Thursday, January 27, 2011

Long time no see, BUT a lot done

So lets re-cap, the guest list has been finalized, the venue is booked, the Groom is still on board, we have a complete wedding party. Lets start with that one!
Alison Almeida (maid of Honour)
Keely Porter
Lauren Mead
Jane VanRooyen

Shawn Trask (Bestman)
Alec Forbes
Mike Kosowan
Drew McFadyen

So we are four for four! Next on the agenda is our save the date cards, which hopefully will be going out within the next week. I'm think postcards with a cute couples photo on the front. The guest list is huge, too much family (TED) but the more the merrier. I have booked wedding dress shopping for the 19th, 23rd and 24th so if anyone wants to come and convince me I do not have to loose more weight your more then welcome. MWP (Mom the wedding planner) and I have been gathering and storing wedding decorations like tiny dragons hoarding shiny objects. DWC (Dad who writes the Checks) is now trying to build a storage room of sorts for us to keep everything in.
We found a spa that we most likely will be attending the day before the wedding (the girls I mean) and the significant others of the groomsmen are more then welcome to come and partake in some treatments of their choice.
Peruse and let me know what you guys may be interested in so I can let the wedding co-ordinator know approximate plans...

As well the hotel information for Codes Mill Inn in Perth
The wedding is the FORBES/TREMBLAY wedding and as of right now we have a whole floor booked so the sooner you book the better so we can get more rooms if we need. I am going to check around and see if there are more hotels in the area so my peeps will have a few options.

We have also booked our Videographer, check her out at
We are currently trying to think of extremely beautiful songs that suit us that we can put into the movie

Right now the most important thing we need is our officiant. I would really love to have someone who is familiar with Wiccan rituals, or is at least familiar with us...if anyone has any leads on that I would greatly appreciate it.

On a more personal note, I am NOT freaking out...everything is falling into place really well. I watched Blue Valentine this week though and that has kind of ruined marriage for me, hopefully some old chick flicks can restore my faith (A.K.A the first Die Hard movie).
Ted is doing well, very busy, but I would really love him to focus a tiny bit more on the wedding, I really want it to be about us and not just me....well mostly me.

I will keep everyone updated on bridal showers, stags, does, rabbits and all the rest of the farm as they come up