Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Guest Lists

How close does a friend need to be before they get invited to your wedding? Also is it cool for people to keep asking if they are invited to your wedding. Friends in class when they're like "I'm invited to your wedding right?", thats rude....right...RIGHT? Just a little stressed about the wedding list, Ted has about a fifty bjillion people on his stide and I think I have twenty, those are going to be some unbalanced pews!
Ted's parents now know that the wedding has been pushed back and that it will be in October, and they're cool. As well the grandparents (mine) found out that the date is during their snow bird season, hopefully Florida can wait a couple more weeks.
Okay, so any guest list advice? Lauren I'm looking at you!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Begining of the End (For Ted)

So today we finally, finally booked our venue. After the loosing the last one, because they booked someone else on our date and didn't bother to inform us, I've been going a little crazy. We had to push the wedding back until the end of October because everything else was gone. This is kinda awesome though because now we can play with the season and the Halloweenyness! The wedding reception and dinner is at Codes Mill on the River and the hotel is Codesmill Inn.
We visited Fiddleheads the restaurant at this location for our 7 year, the food is made by the chef who will cater our wedding...It was amazing, we had snail and emu. Emu tastes like turkey but is brown like beef.
We did a tour today and everyone (Wendy and Vince and Ted) seemed pleased. Its an old mill with vaulted ceilings and a lot of beams and a huge fireplace, so lots of decorating options!
We still need to make our guest list ( and I suppose this blog is a little pointless until then...but lets call it cathartic) and send out save the date cards!
So far I'm not too stressed...just as long as everything keeps smooth. Ted could be a little more involved but I understand thats hard for guys, I just want it to be our wedding not just mine. Also two of the bridesmaids are still abroad and one groomsman is still TBA. AND we're still fighting over whether Riko gets to be ring bearer or not (he will).

I guess thats all for now...